« The itinerary of life comprises a serie of errands, often unplanned and seemingly random »




I have been travelling with a camera ever since I got my first Minolta from my parents, as a gift for my baccalauréat. Whether it is for work or for vacation, this camera is a faithful companion. It has now been replaced multiples times, but I never go anywhere without a camera.

Photographing is part of life. The camera is simply an extension of the eye. The technique is not that important, especially today. When seen by the eye, in a flash, the photo is already taken even before the brain has given an order to the finger to press the shutter release button. A photo is just the physical evidence of a moment, the face of a person, a place, a situation, a mood or a feeling. Wherever and whenever it is, the world is filled with these seconds of eternity, dear to Robert Doisneau. The photographer is there to steal these seconds and turn them into eternity. After travelling throughout Europe and spending ten years in North America, I am now based in Singapore. For me, Asia is a terra incognita, a new ground for amazement and discover. My work tends to capture these places and moments that people don’t usually see if they don’t look for them. I like to wander through places and capture minute details or street scenes. My photos are eclectic, as the people and our planet both are.

The itinerary of life comprises a series of errands, often unplanned and seemingly random. But does the journey have a greater pattern, path, or purpose? Perhaps my pictures taken along the way — the itinerrands of life — will show.


Nicolas Genty – Born in October 1960 in Antony – France. I am married and have three children. When I try to explain my profession to my children, they are always puzzled. I am an engineer, expert in ethylene technology, in the petrochemicals industry. I have been working in various countries throughout my career: France, The Netherlands, Germany, The USA, Canada and now Singapore. I took up photography at an early age and never stopped taking pictures since then. My favorite subjects are mainly people, the places they design to live in and the passage of time, details I encounter when I open my eyes.


  • 1981 – International Air Tatoo – article in Le Moniteur de l’Aéronautique
  • 2006 – “A glance within” with texts by Tara Zafft
  • 2016 – “Sakura Angels” with Hannah N’Guyen and Karin Schoombee
  • 2017 – “Itinerrands” 


  • 1997 – Café Dance Studio, Austin Tx “Prague a Private Guide” (Solo exhibit)
  • 2004 – Croissant Brioche, Houston Tx “A Taste of Prague” (Solo exhibit)
  • 2005 – Talento Bilingue de Houston “Dreams and Beyond” (Group exhibit)
  • 2006 – Croissant Brioche, Houston Tx “Windows” (Solo exhibit)
  • 2014-2015 – Mariko’s, Singapore “Ambient Japan” (Group exhibit)
  • 2016 – David Alexandre de Paris, Singapore “Japan” (Solo exhibit)
  • 2017 – David Alexandre de Paris, Singapore “Lisbon” (Solo exhibit)
  • 2017 – Intersections, Singapore “Itinerrands Book Launch”
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“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference” ― Elie Wiesel

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