The name Sebastião Salgado is synonymous with breathtaking photography and unwavering commitment to social and environmental causes. Born in Brazil, after pursuing a career in economics, obtaining a PhD and working for the International Coffee Organization in London, his path would take a dramatic turn when he picked up a camera for the first time during a trip to Africa in the early 1970s. This moment marked the genesis of his transformation from an economist to one of the world’s most celebrated photographers. Before Salgado became a world star with projects such as “Workers”, “Genesis” or others, After working for the French photo agency’s Sygma and Gamma, he joined Magnum Photo’s in 1979. He left Magnum in 1994 and formed his own agency, the Paris based Amazonas Images. All the picture stories that Salgado produced from the early 80’s to the 90’s was on negatives. The stories were printed in the dark rooms of his studio and the prints distributed to a select group of leading Photo Agencies worldwide such as the Amsterdam based ABC Press. Salgado’s photography was not just about capturing images; it was about storytelling. With a deep reverence for humanity and a desire to shed light on its most pressing issues, he travelled the globe, documenting the lives of marginalized communities, the plight of refugees, and the consequences of environmental degradation. It is this period of his long career that was displayed extensively on the walls of Haute Photographie 2023 in Amsterdam. Photos never seen before and profoundly human. Sebastião Salgado’s legacy extends far beyond his remarkable pictures; it is a testament to the power of compassion, storytelling, and the enduring impact that one person can have on the world. His work remains an enduring source of inspiration for me.